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(2 edits)

1. The transition animation between levels is not enough, after completing the goal of each level, it should lead to the next map, but currently it just stays in the current map, which makes me doubt whether there is really a pass or not.

2. Because of the bugs that cause the game to restart, the starting animation need to be skippable.

3. The main character is drawn with thin lines, while the scenes are mostly drawn with thick lines, bringing a sense of dislocation, could it be adjusted to blend the main character and the scenes in a better way?

4. The map loading lag is very obvious.

5. The amplitude of the main jumping is very large, giving people the feeling of no weight,  and there is no choice between light jump and big jump , changing the jumping path or zoom in the visual interface maybe could slightly improved. Also I would like to see the hitbox of player ship and enemies.

1. The death animation is really cute, which alleviates the negative feedback brought by the operation.

 Hoping to see more of this lovely art!

2. The overall atmosphere favors some very classic games, making me feel nostalgic. Love it<3

I did install 2 kinds of jumps but the ideal jump will change with the time that the player presses the button. That will let me do more coding I will check it!

I agree with the Chara problem.  I will do a redesign later.

Hitbox is a good idea. But it may hurt the art, I will consider though.

Thank you for loving my art~ <33