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Another Keven, George and Mando banger! Expected nothing less. Getting a minor nitpick out of the way, I like that the music gets a bit more intense whenever Debbee's in danger, but I think the change is too abrupt and a little bit jarrring. It should be more of a fade.

Though the game looks amazing (shoutout Keven), it is quite visually overwhelming, with the bugs, all the enemies flying around, trails following the player characters, etc. It is often hard to tell what's going on.

I wish there was a more obvious visual indicator of Debbee's HP, as well as some sound effects whenever you defeat enemies, or whenever Debbee get's attacked. These things might help in making the game easier to understand.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks Jordan! Glad you loved it
You're right, the music does change abruptly. Adding a fade would definitely help.

As for the clutter of things on screen, that is something we will try to fix in the next build. We did notice there is a lot going on when theres a lot of enemies. I think it makes it a lot harder when there are 2 players on screen since there are 2 trails. As well, adding a more visible border outline to the players is something we might do to make it stand out more. We will be reworking the bee trail system too, so during that time we will make sure to solve that issue.

For the HP indicator, that is something that will be fixed next build as well. Initially, the bee indicator was supposed to have animations tied to it but due to time constraints we didn't add it in. We wanted to add that alongside some color indicators on it to make it more obvious.

Thanks for playing! :)