Stopped playing after the Chloe date.
I hope some day the "no NTR/only virgin heroines" crowd realize the damage they've done to the AVN community during its early period. In line with that sentiment, I should you commend you for the bravery of giving Claire the backstory she has - just seeing something like that is part of your world elevates it, making me, the player, thing that nothing is off the table for the other heroines. Anna's past, while different, also deserves praise. Dark elements like those elevate games, in my opinion.
Alongside them, the most valuable heroine of the game has to be Iris by far. The "partner in crime" vibe of their relationship is really well achieved. I however stopped playing due to her being a forced romance. If that's the story you want to tell, all the power to you, just not a the flavor I like that much. If someone like sister heroines, by all means this game is for you.
I questioned the need of having be friends with benefits with the barista girl a fake choice, only to provide a real one down the line - however, it served as a good heads up that forced romance was coming, so overall its ok. If anything, the option to end things with some heroines was a welcome surprise. Again, I was kinda sad we didn't get one for who I really wanted it, Iris, however I get that relationship is needed for the story you want to tell.
Violet is great, however her asking for long-term commitment... I don't know if you as an author set her up for rejection with that, or if you have a great grasp on her character, since her wanring a longer relationship than the one she had with Liam makes sense.
I like Ethan, was kinda hoping you could set him up with someone haha.
Ava interested me, only started to develop by the time I stopped playing - maybe I'll pick it back up again later down the line! Good luck, and cheers!