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(1 edit)

Ok so the reply section has a character limit.

I also discovered that in the designated link, it divided the big text into 3 parts, so it's probably formatted already.

Here's the text file, it gave me a prompt to use docx to open it.

Okay, I managed to decode (most of) it this time, but by the looks of it, it seems like you should be able to act.

Can you please tell me which actions have you tried to perform? Just moving, or other actions like talking or fondling too? Could it be that you tried to move, but then got immediately knocked back (animation is not repeated second time), so it would appear as if nothing changed?

i was trying to run away by spamming my mouse to the side, and of course the cowgirl got me.

The picture of that happening appeared, and as it was about to dissapear it stopped, like almost transparent and stuff.

So I spammed a bunch of other buttons like s or f and nothing happened.

Hey! I've got two news for you!

The worse one: I wasn't able to find exactly what caused the freeze for you, cause the snapshot of a game state that you provided looks good to me.

The better one: I added a way to abandon the current run! You can go to "Options" menu and select "Erase saved game" - and you'll be able to start new run from scratch.

Please let me know if that worked for you! Also, thank you very much for helping me to debug this, as well as suggesting ways to improve the gameplay - I'll do my best to hunt that bug down and implement the changes to keys next month.

The "Erase Current Run" worked perfectly! Now I can continue playing and hopefully finish the game.