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Nvm, I think they changed the discord link? Because it said that it expired, so I don't know, to be honest

Yea maybe u should talk to diff person abt dis, as a supporter u simply don deserve this. As far as Ik, the creators ant dat petty, n u wont get a sraight ban for askin inappropriate contents without any pre-warnins. I would suggest u to ignore those random replies n u may also report to Patreon services if its needed. 

(2 edits) (-1)

Random replies 1x.webp (32×32) brother i've been here and on Discord much longer than you, and I know what I'm talking about.

You don't get any warnings if you admit that you're a pirate


"Much longer", "brother", "+memes"+"0 solutions"

Glad u suit urself well as Random kiddo.

This buddy here simply needs a fix not a "Ik wat Im talkin abt". *spams low tier copy paste n acts like a bot. 

This is a waste, quit talkin bac to me. Help him and show me da   "MUCH longer"  wasn another teenage garbo out of nowhere.


Are you blind or what? I answered his question and gave him one of the solutions.

And my reply to you is suitable for a clown like you who doesn't do any research about what he's talking about.