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Thank you for taking the time to play through the game thoroughly! We don't have testers so many bugs can go unnoticed when the scope is too large for the deadline. It means a lot!

The time running through dialogue was left as is because most of the time-related features were not added.

I forgot to add feedback for certain actions like buying land.

Tombstones and other buildings have build limits, which increase each time you buy land by its base build limit: from 3 to 6 to 9, and so on. I added this to the tooltip, but it's not really noticeable. You have to zoom in and hover over it to show the detailed info, which I just noticed doesn't update on the already placed ones.

Thank you for the UI advice. I'm not too skilled at UI/UX yet, so it's a learning process for me.

The gate icon represents the entry fee, the ghost icon is the ghost count, and RIP is the worker count. It seems I didn't add tooltips to those.

Workers (hat-wearing ghosts) were going to operate attractions like the mausoleum. The ghosts have wants and would move to the desired location once it's running with enough workers, but I ran out of time for detailed AI due to learning UI.

I stopped working on the road near the end so the models are rotated incorrectly. The AI follow-road script caused heavy lag with the A* implementation I made, so it was removed and scrapped due to time constraints.

Ghosts currently have a bug that stops their count at 100.

Again, thank you for the detailed review. You pointed out a lot, which is much appreciated!