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Hey, I just wanted to say that I love this. I am 18 right now, I lived in Texas up until last year, nearly 17 years of my life was spent there. I lived in Denton, actually I think my parents talked to Amber Briggle a few times, I definitely heard her name a lot, anyway, thank you for making this. It actually reminded me of Texas, I really appreciate that this game exists. Its always scary having to constantly be on guard, I am gay so I understand. I live in Massachusetts currently because it felt safer to move out of Texas than it did to stay there and hope things got better. I sound like a broken record here, but once again, thank you for making this.

Thank you so much for writing this lovely comment. I am so glad you are safe and okay and that it reminded you of your former home. We made this game for people like you and your families. It means a lot to receive comments like this.