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(2 edits) (+1)

The string is a really neat idea, but in practice it makes both characters unpleasant to control, because they're both weighed down by each other. I tried all levels and couldn't finish any of them (except 5 lol) because of some frustration with the physics.

The fact that the chatacters can't interact with things of their own color is very interesting, and I wish it was implemented into more of the puzzles.

I haven't encountered any puzzles that required the swap mechanic, so maybe that could have been expanded upon as well.

A minor problem I've noticed is that a lot of the puzzles required the rabbit to be on the left and the cat to be on the right. Given the control scheme, it would have been nicer for it to be the other way around to make it less confusing for solo players.

So in summary, this game has great ideas, and less than ideal execution in my opinion. Amazing job nonetheless!


Yeah, the string is a problem. I spent at least 60% of the jam working on it, and got it to be 'stable', but it's still pretty jank. 

It 'weighing down the characters' as you put it is due to me fixing issues caused by both of them moving at the same time(specifically them moving away from each other, and falling with the string suspending them in the air). So, when both of them are moving due to user inputs, the center node of the string only moves at half speed. 

The level design vs the control scheme is uhh, something I don't think any of us thought of during the jam, but is certainly a good point!

And yeah, as a proof of concept, we on the team think it has great potential, but we also agree that there's some issues that would need to be ironed out to truly flesh out the game. 

Thanks for the feedback, and I hope you enjoyed playing (even if you couldn't beat any of the levels)!