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Forgot to mention this in my review, but when I was playing the game, the background was moving insanely quickly, it was hurting my eyes a little. You might need to multiply by Time.deltatime to fix it.
Also, I was playing an ultra wide and I was able to see the background cutoff while it was moving.
Again, great game, loved it otherwise!


Oh right I forgot to take those things into account. Thank you for informing me!


The background scroll speed should be fixed in the 1.1 build. I'm not sure about the aspect ratio thing, but I tried my best with that.

(1 edit)

Nice! Just played it. The background scroll speed is fixed.
The aspect ratio is a lot better now (I can still see the blue bar at times but a lot less now), but I am not able to see the timing bar at the top left at all (see image).
Maybe you can enforce a resolution? There's a way to do this in Unity (either through code or in the build settings)


Alright, thank you for the feedback. I'll look into it.