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Thanks for trying to make the game playable for me. But it doesn't work for me. There are games that have been created using Godot 3.5 that work for me. But there are always some that don't work. I use MX-15 Debian Jessie 32 bit and Wine 1.6.2-20 to run Windows games.

If you are interested:

wine: Call from 0x7bc4a9c9 to unimplemented function USER32.dll.RegisterTouchWindow, aborting

wine: Unimplemented function USER32.dll.RegisterTouchWindow called at address 0x7bc4a9c9 (thread 0009), starting debugger...

Unhandled exception: unimplemented function USER32.dll.RegisterTouchWindow called in 32-bit code (0x7bc4a9c9).

I'm afraid there isn't much I can do for now since I don't have access to a Linux machine. Perhaps one day I will be able to get my hands on one or have enough free time to setup a virtual machine.