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In the grimdark future there is only the endless dungeon. The last human is an undead skeleton and all human females are long gone. There's no other choice but to resort to goblins.

I uhhh am pretty sure that's the story

I'm not sure if playing this while having a pretty bad headache was the best idea but oh well. I was pretty unfocused so some times I just ran around getting lost without thinking about it or clicking buttons... You'll see in the video I guess haha, it must be frustrating to watch people run around it circles or fail jumps again and again I can imagine.

I like all the additions and changes since I played last really. The game flows a lot better from the start. Action system is kinda weird but it works well I think.

I think my problem with the game is pretty much inherent too the first person platformer genre; its hard to gauge where your body is supposed to be. I'll often get stuck on geometry or just can't reach to pull yourself up or misjudge a where you land. I guess its just something you get better at with experience at the game.

The tooltips are just slightly too slow. Also I kept waiting for tooltips to show up while hovering over action cards before remembering that you have to click them. Maybe that's just me...

Starting room is a lot nicer and the holographic map is cool. But I didn't get if you can see where the starting room is on it? So I kinda just ignored it on the larger levels. Different mirror room layouts is nice too, although I somehow failed the jump up like 10 times in a row once. Whoops.

I had some sound bug sometimes while landing from a jump, you should hear it in start the video.

Half of the eyebrows of a goblin's face was covered by the hat for one face. But maybe that's intended.

Gameplay video:

In the grimdark future there is only the endless dungeon. The last human is an undead skeleton and all human females are long gone. There's no other choice but to resort to goblins.
What an amazing intro to your feedback. I love it. The "resorting to goblins" is also a pun I planned t use for a long time, and it looks like you have beaten me to it, good job.

The gameplay video on google drive has the "request access", so I cannot download it (maybe it is some permission settings of yours?). I look forward to watching it if you just enable the download for anyone, or upload it to mega or somewhere.

I am going to increase the tooltip speed. (you can also switch to instant tooltips on holding right mouse button in options).

The entrance door shows up on the holographic map as a large dot, so you can see which room it is.

Half of the eyebrows of a goblin's face was covered by the hat for one face. But maybe that's intended.

That is intended, yes. With some faces you might need to check other guests to make sure that's the one, or risk it.

Alright try the link again.

The entrance door shows up on the holographic map as a large dot, so you can see which room it is.

I kinda thought so but then it looked like the mirror to me hehe.

yep, I am downloading it right now. Thank you

Thanks a lot for the video. Most people get filtered by Baby Steps++, so I rarely have the opportunity to hear and watch people play on templates after that. It was very fun and informative.

I regret not recording a live reaction to the video. You mentioned you had a headache, but your platforming was still very on point in many instances.

I think a lot of the platforming problems would be easier if you remembered crouch jumping is a thing (you would not need to spend mana on jumping in air, and wait for mana to regen n some parts).

You also unlocked different seals, but never got to actually equipping them at the sealing chamber.

You found one of the hidden chests, and got close to beating the big chest room as well. I am happy you also figured out spears must hit the target shield in that one big room.

My big surprise was seeing you beat the Messy template, it looked like you were not going to do it before you got to the mirror.

(1 edit)

Crouch jumping... Fuck.  Yeah that would have helped a lot, I completely forgot that it was a thing. It did feel like I was using way too much air jumps...

Yeah I just didn't see the sealing chamber action card, I know I should've rolled for one.

Most of the time I don't care about gold at all really, just trying to finish the levels.

Maybe the target shields could look a bit more like targets. Or something like a laser coming from the shooters showing where their projectiles will hit.