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Hey WeirdWorld, I have a Question about your Baby, Creation, Game, Superhuman.  I have tried it awhile back and it seemed cool.  But something seems odd to me.  You seem to give it a lot of room saying " How will you use this power? To seduce? To kill? Or do you simply want to live your life as a college freshman without worry? "  When I played it last like awhile ago.  It didn't seem at all like you could do any of that.  To be Honest it seems like forced game play.  Sure you can do what you like but lets say you wanted to ONLY be a college fresh men.  Your dedicated a game over or killed.  So it's train or die and sure a few things you can do on the side.  But if you miss training and get weak "yup, you die game over"  So has it changed or is it still like that?  An on a side note is it really " Beware optional NTR and Gender Bender. It's optional, but it's there."  Cause gotta say maybe a max of what 5 scene's is NTR or Gender Bender? "  It's like you just put the tag there so people didn't bitch when they seen it.  Unless you plan on adding more or making the MC able to full time female I would just remove that comment.  Cause it would be like saying " Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a God "