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Ok so After like 15 minutes I can form a opinion. Yes you can move but none of the cool stuff you can supposedly could do is doable. Like pressing E to interact. Does nothing. Time stop also does nothing. Even when plugging in my Rival3 mouse or using my trackpad it does nothing and people continue to move around. This is more of look around and watch people in a box walk. 

Its a let down at the moment but I hope you fix something to the controls because as of right now you can't do much of anything. Can't even do the Erotic stuff.


did you find the clock near the fountain,you have to interact with that first before you can time stop.


Hmm I spent 15 minutes walking around and not finding this. Its actually quite fun now since you gave me this info. I really thought this was a broken game.


LMAOOOO thats crazy