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(1 edit)

I hated the visual novel. From what I read it was just too cringe. I can handle a little bit of cringe, but this was too much. It's quirky and I like the visuals, but then I realized it wasn't stopping. I was skipping ahead as fast as I could and it just wouldn't end. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and I restarted the game.

I would say that it was one of the worst visual novels I'd ever experienced, but I've seen so many awful but also boring VNs that this was sadly better than average.

I learned my lesson and somehow I found myself in a first person segment next time. I like this part. The movement is fun, you can sort of bunnyhop and pick up a lot of speed. I don't know what I did or what was going on but by just wandering forward I got to level 2. 

I tried wandering around like I did in the last level and my screen slowly transitioned through a variety of colors until I found myself in complete darkness being chased by what I can barely make out as the silhouette of a giant nightmare spider creature. This was genuinely a confusing and frightening experience and I enjoyed it.

I died once and then retried. Then I got the third mission which was more of the same.  Same with the 4th.

Overall I enjoyed this experience although I can't see the pattern of "survive x minutes in a wasteland with 1 new enemy every level" holding throughout an entire game