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(5 edits) (+2)

TL;DR, Love it. Loved it for a while. One of the best AVNs out there.

Spoilers for 0.6 below

After the revelation at the end of 0.5 and between what we've found out, Axel's conversation, and the sit down with William at the end of the chapter practically confirming everything, I am on the edge of my seat when it comes to the world of Eternum itself.

The philosophy of Thanatos, the fucked up scene with the guy and the kid in the barn, and the general idea behind the NPCs having any self awareness is coming across very Westworld and I love it.

The Collector's murder mystery was fun - I genuinely thought the twist was going to be the robot did it but I was pleasantly surprised. Looking back, it should have been obvious from the minute we saw what the artifacts could do but I didn't put 2 and 2 together.  I liked seeing Annie coming out of her shell a lot more while still being cute af. The Wild West scenes as a whole were great. I liked the little Eva callback in the saloon and when I heard that the Deputy was at the general store I was hoping for another Chop Chop appearance... but then the man got obliterated and I was thankful it wasn't. The fairytale story of the elven queen with Calypso was a highlight and very well done. The scenes with Dalia and with Alex later were hot as almighty fuck and although no-one asked I still think the Praetorians are insanely sexy too.

Overall, just like a lot of others are saying, I came for the girls and I stayed for the story. I genuinely can't wait to see where all of this is going.

P.S. I want one of those Chang's nine shirts.

Thank you so much Rook!