I'm actually really in love with this game. Love the art style. Love the music. Loving the characters(specially the male ones hehe). Its kinda hard to get me interested in a game with just first impression(I have to actually play most games to get interested in them) but the moment i saw your game i was intrigued so good job. I do have some questions tho... How many love interests will there be in total(and would there be equal amounts of male and female Li) ? When is the next update coming?(im sorry im just excited).aside from mtf trans characters will there be any ftm trans(trans men) characters? And lastly when do you think the game is going to be finished?
You dont have to answer all of this(or any of it if you dont want to) . I just love this game already and just want to show my excitement and appreciation for the game.can't wait for more:)