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(6 edits) (+1)

Some ideas for your game (already sorry for my English)

1 all not ready content marked work in progress (wip) or future updates content (fuc) (fairy dust (fuc))

2 all liquid glasses is closed before used in cutscene (like give WG to ghotic girl) and after that it will half-empty and this you can drink (except Be and Hyper because (fuc)

3 (final weight stage, you was try to go shadowed curios, "walk") 

You walking in the park when see some familiar fase (ghotic girl picture)

{Hello}(this {} mean button)

G - oh, hello, we so long not meeting!

Y - yeah, i try to go your shop some time ago, but main door is to small (you slap your hips)

G - oh yeah, i was have same problem, so now i enter in the garage door

Y - hay, can i also use it

G - yes, of corse, everything for my favourite customer 😉

Y - ok, thanks, goodbye.

(After this when you try to enter the shop, you see dialog)

You stand in front of Shadowed curios

{Try front door} - (your hips still to wide {that's hot}-to: infront of Sh.C. , or if you lose weight- i again can enter here? It's very bad {enter}- to: Sh.C.) 

{Use garage door} - enter Sh.C.


(I again very sorry for my english)

4 in Sh.C you can buy photo album, it go to your inventory, and it contained all game art, like you open it, and see categories-

{Your gaining}

{Phone calls}

{In-work cut scenes}




And if open category you see

Your gaining

          {Phase 1}




                    {See all cut scene}

          Phase 2(locked)

          Phase 3(locked)


(Yeah, i know it work harder than lift up MC in mukbang streamer end, but it just ideas) 

5 Something like hiden ending (example) :

Jamie - can you work more today (u know what dialog i mean)

Y - yeah

You make your work, {let's do this again}

You working allot, text, text

Y - oh, so hard .pant. so hot .pant. i wanna {strip}.pant.

You working allot, text, text, allot of text {end day}

But if you find {strip} button, you see secret cut scene (with Jamie or some other worker)(if you add "idea 4" it will be in "other"

 That's all, i'm sorry for possibly. longest comment in your life, and again, my english (mb. it not that bad, but i don't think i said oll korrect.)