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This is so good! Everything you mentioned about tonality is on full display and works really well to create a sinister aura. 

The sections being phases works really well and I can definitely imagine this in a souls-like boss fight that has multiple phases. 

The orchestration is fantastic and reminds me of the folk horror of Midsommar (especially the cluster voices). 

The contrast between sections A and B is really nice and allows the listener to ponder the lore behind the boss (very souls-like). 

I did like the overall dynamic curve of the track but I would have liked to hear a bit more of a ramp up in intensity towards the end with maybe some faster lines underneath the main melody. 

Overall amazing job you absolutely aced this style!

Thank you for listening and the feedback.

I think you are right that I should have upped the intensity towards the end, instead, I chose to go for a more chorale idea but adding some faster lines would probably have been a better choice. Learned a lot while making this piece and from the feedback. I haven't seen or listened to the Midsommar OST (since I am weak to horror movies) but now'll definitely have a listen!