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Nuevo contenido caballeros, Tanlgeeeee was here :)))))

I saw 🤩

(1 edit)

I just saw that as well, SWEET LORD ALL MIGHTY I never expected tangle to look like that 😳😳😳.

Edit: Wait a second i just had a thought about something, I think that mastermax888 mentioned her in his past video in 2.0 update that he was reviewing the new outfit for the girls and he mentioned she “might” make a appearance in night 2 my god i think he was right oh lord when he sees that video fatal fire made he is going to flip 🤣🤣🤣 i can’t wait to see that 😂😂😂.

Me creerías que eso también pensé, pero como harían eso, UFFFF la noche 2 se esta poniendo aun más interesante e increíble, al final del video de hoy por cierto se ve y se escucha de fondo lo que sería el especial de Navidad la parte , yo estoy esperando con ansias esa update tengo el dinero recaudado para el patreon, ojalá llegue justo para navidad, como lo deseo :)))

Well in any case we got a very interesting Halloween treat 🥰🥰🥰 don’t you agree 😌😌.

Que gran regalo enserio bueno a parar en cada instante del video hay mucho contenido, que buen trabajo han hecho  :))) además de que hoy es el aniversario de Fatal Fire Studios , su primer año es hermoso presenciarlo :)))

Really wow 😯 i did not know that. Also remember my theory about what lurking in the vents, well it took a unexpected turn i though that it was a rat animatronic but instead it has to be that mouse puppet that tangle use that is lurking in the vents it small enough to fit in there like in the comic i just read.