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This is amazing! I absolutely love the instrumentation! 

At first I wasn't really sure how this fit into the boss battle theme, but as it went on it became so abundantly clear. When I hear this song I especially thing of a 2.5D platformer boss battle kinda vibe, I think this would fit perfectly in that kinda game.

One thing I think this song really displays well is skillful use of dynamics and balance. One thing I personally have trouble with is making my percussion feel like it does enough, while also making it not way too loud. I think this song is a great example of having quiet percussion that does its job perfectly.

Amazing work, and Happy Halloween!


Thank you for your heartwarming comment, I really appreciate it.

I can tell percussions are really diffficult to set right. Their dynamics and harmonic content make it one of the hardest elements to mix in my opinion, especially in orchestral settings where the amount of reverb drastically changes how the percussions interact with other instruments.

I found that cutting the low end with an EQ is often a good thing. Volume automation also is a useful tool.


Oh wow you know I never had thought of how reverb can affect mixing! That's wild.  Thanks for the advice with the EQ, I just recently learned about that kinda stuff and I'm sure it will be super useful.