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(1 edit)

I believe this is my first time leaving a comment on a game and for good reason.

TL;DR: If you are looking at the game and are thinking: "The characters' model are irproportional to the body (boobs that stick out like boulders and the clothes literally outlines the angle of the boobs), MC looks wack, and cringey dialogue/scenes" you are right on the dot. HOWEVER, the new update is VERY promising as they dropped a huge update teaser that you can play and it improves ten-fold on what it has going right now. 

I have played many lewd VN and this game is not the first one where I've had issues. I had to pick this game up multiple times and restarted because of how annoyed I got with the story ir character design. Let's get into a bit of my review.

This game suffers from very typical issues such as grotesque female character models being way out of proportions and the male charactee being weirdly buff like you made him in Elderscrolls Oblivion. It's weird to look at and, let's be honest, hard to get off to. 

Secondly, the dialogue and the story. Very cringe worthy and hard to get through. Many grammatical errors and typo. The dialogue feels like a fan fiction when it really should be from an actual developer. 

Lastly, the world. Wow, it is lackluster and unfinished. A lot of it is very cliché and poorly rendered at some points. Some of the minigames are hard to play because the UI is so small. 

Would I recommend this unfinished, unpolished, and unrefined game? YES I WOULD. I took my time with this game (skipped some of the god awful cringey dialogue) and finished it within a week. It was really unbearable at some points, but here is the catch. Why am I saying this is worth playing? Recently, these guys pushed out a Winter update that reveals a small peak (about 2 hours of gameplay) of what they have been cooking for a little bit for post Chapter 1 (prologue is the only thing that is out rn). I want to make it very clear, they have been hard at work making Chapter 1 for, I believe, +2 years. Take everything I said bad about this game and flip it upside down. I loved every second and bit of dialogue, new character models (THEY REDID THE CHARACTER MODELS), story premise, comedy, and scenes. It was very very enjoyable to play and this is a tiny bit of what the future holds. Remember, Chapter 1 will be MUCH more than this Winter update, and I seriously cannot wait for Chapter 1. 

If you guys are on the fence about playing the game, I don't blame you. If you want to wait to play it, I recommend you do so. If you don't care about the issues stated above, go crazy and have fun. Personally, I cannot wait to play future updates after seeing the Winter update.

Thank you for reading whoever reached down here. I rant :)


THANK YOU so much!

It is not common to find comments like this!

In the prologue, I had just started doing the game. But with the Winter Update you're seeing my improvement over 2 years, and that's what you can expect from now on, and even better!

I'm really happy bc of this comment, I feel very confident in the future content, and the difference between the prologue and chapter 1.

Thank you for your feedback!