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Did a quick playthrough of the new content, here's my thoughts.

Like the set up and encounters so far! Good mix of natural kink content (being able to eat the scenery is wonderful and I hope there might be more interactions with that), the pipe cutscene as well hits my buttons so plus there and I do enjoy how the "rest" is handled in the factory.

One bug I noticed though is the pipe cutscene is infinitely repeatable, and can be done even if you do the alternate route of the chocolate river. The latter is fine but might need to add a sentence after the first "stuckage" to not have that be done.

Second bug, minor as well but if you go left once you enter the factory you seem to get the message twice in a row.

As for my nitpicks, I only have two, but one is that the bathroom key card should probably be made more obvious. I did not notice it when I first went through and only by interacting with everything did I realize the trash can was where it was. Perhaps changing it to something more obvious would help.

The other one is that it seems you're unable to really start the "vore" route of the candy factory through the dev menu, it just defaults you to Jill. So might want to add that to the options just for checking.

Otherwise, look forward to the second half of the dungeon (ESPECIALLY that blueberry room. Fingers crossed that we might get some berried Mari action) 

Thanks for the feed back! I'll make sure I fix that Issy bug (tho I'm sure some people will want to play it multiple times xD also same, I went feral while writing it. I was really cooking pure glass like Mr white).

You should be able to access the vore route the long, but I'll add a thingy for it!

For the message twice, which one specifically?

The one you get once you enter the factory and attempt to move. Where Willy Wonka Gally talks to you and all that.