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Originally I wanted to make a few weapons, maybe 3 and have them be used on different enemies. So for the skeletons a blunt weapon, humans the sword and the cultists/possessed some sort of magic weapon. Too ambitious for a short jam like you said though.

With the combat I originally wanted it to be a lot more methodical and slow, but I didn't have time to tweak the enemies and everything so that's why the combat is pretty meh. The enemy attack animations I chose from Mixamo were also too slow so like you said you can just back up. Originally I was going to make a ranged enemy so in a room you might have to fight a ranged and melee enemy.

The idea with the trap was that the player could only see it with the torch, then hit the lever to deactivate it. The problem is the game is too dark and the spikes model should've been taller to you don't have to look down to see it. On my monitor it looks a lot brighter and you can see the trap and the switch. I need to calibrate my monitor to be more what a normal person would be using. The original trap idea wasn't spikes it's just what I could find last minute. Something more eye level would've been better.

The end cultists were rushed. I wanted to have maybe 3-4 normal low health cultists and then a "boss" that was protecting the book. Ran out of time and just increased the health. The artist also made a variant cultist with tentacles sort of tying in the lovecract/necronomicon theme, but ran out of time to add it.

Nice ideas! If you end up growing the project I'd be happy to test it and give more feedback. I think your game is pretty good for something made in 4-5 days. Keep at it!