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(1 edit)

In my review of this game, I wanted to provide some extra insights. The pacing here is undeniably exceptional, keeping players thoroughly engaged. However, there's room for improvement when it comes to setting the right atmosphere and tension. To truly immerse players in the experience, introducing moments where objects unexpectedly fall and spine-chilling paranormal events unfold would work wonders. A more intricate narrative context, achieved through the clever inclusion of tapes, notes, and messages on the walls, would add depth to the storyline. Boosting the interaction between the player and the enemy through well-placed jump scares and intense chase sequences would take the excitement up a notch. The prospect of an expanded house size offers intriguing possibilities for incorporating these elements.

Thank you for the feedback and review. We noticed the pot failing to fall during our playtestings as well, but the bug doesn't appear consistent. We will look into it again and see if we could fix it in the meantime.