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(1 edit) (+1)

I really liked the art! The game was really fun to play, zooming around the world felt good! I think if this was fleshed out it could be a fun collectathon reminiscent of games like Banjo Kazooie! The only little things I think could be improved for this are the pumpkins can be a little hard to spot with how small they are and mana could be a more present mechanic, since you collect quite a few mana items but it's not necessary to use (although the zoom spell was very fun to use!). Very good game and I'd love to see more of it! Also I love the title!

Thank you very much! The aesthetic and the movement of the player charecter, those are the things I'm most proud of on this one. Yes, the mana system is, upon reflection, not even required to complete the game - originally I'd planned on having areas that you had to destroy the barriers to (wooden boards, old vines, etc) to get to some pumpkins using your spells, but that didn't get implemented; as it is the boost mechanic was only implemented on the very last day...! If this were a month long game jam, I would of added so much more. Thanks for the feedback! 

Btw - GREAT job on your entry. Followed you on here, I'm eager to see what happens in the future regarding it. :D