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This is an incredible experience. The gameplay is so simple yet you designed the game to have quite a bit of depth with it, more than I expected. Not to sound condescending, I do have a few "bugs" to report.

1. You can kick enemies thru certain walls, leaving them standing and unable to be killed.

2. The first gate you find in lvl 4 can be walked through from behind.

3. (Not a bug, just a personal note) The movement feels too slippery at times, leading to a loss of control. It never killed me, but it did damage me.

4. The secrets are sometimes more obvious than the correct path, or are one of many obvious doors to open.

5. The tooltip interactables in the first level are hidden for some reason. I only found them on my 2nd run thru.

6. The jump-kills are super loose with it. I can be slightly in the air, and when they attack me it counts. Sometimes I can just miss and get a kill, but that might be tied into the slipperiness of the movement.

Def a buy the day this drops. ETA on that btw?