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This game was very fun to play until the end. The movement is awesome as well as the camera, same for most of the level design.

Most of my issue is with the final parts of the second level, the more open one. There are no checkpoints, so if you die you need to backtrack quite a bit. The longer grind-rail section of the level was annoying, that final jump especially.

Regarding UI, I had to switch from my Xbox controller to my mouse for that, but that’s not a major deal. Things like the pause menu and the shop. I did encounter a bug where I had two pause menus open, but could only close one of them.

In the shop was the drill upgrade, which was pretty cool. I don’t think I got far enough for an in-level mechanic use, if any. (I stopped playing after I encountered the pause menu glitch mentioned above.) The movement option of the drill contrasted with the lightsaber, horizontal and vertical movement respectively. That was awesome to see.

On the subject of movement, there is a ‘pull-up’ move when latching onto an edge of something. I think the animation should be sped up, its speed doesn’t match the other movement options imo.

Overall, I had a fun time playing this game. The game design was great from the beginning, but fell apart in some areas.