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Hi thank you so much for the detailed response. I am still unsure if I will be updating this game in the future. This was just a small project I worked on while learning game development on unity. If I ever do expand on it you can expect something more like a 20-30 minute game so probably about 1.5-2x the size of the current game, I am mostly limited on the assets I have.

  • Pause button: I will definitely add this to any new game I make
  • Strange Upgrade paths: 
    • I made the dark room annoying on purpose but maybe I could slightly tweak the difficulty, you make a good point that it can be hard to stablish your relative position
    • I agree on the "filler" lava room, maybe I could make it so there is a mini boss fight after you obtain the upgrade or simply spawn some enemies to make it feel more alive
  • I-Frames: this is something I was unsure about but I didn't have enough testing feedback to balance it correctly. The main issue is mainly what you mentioned which is being able to be stun locked or juggled between enemies.  I have an idea on how too fix this and maybe it will fix the whole problem all together
  • The progress not resetting is actually a bug that I noticed when I publish but got too busy to fix it. I like your idea of maybe adding a new game and continue button on the starting screen

Thank you for all the constructive criticism!! As someone just starting game development it is definitely appreciated. I am glad you liked the game overall besides these issues. If you are interested about any future projects or see my devlogs follow me on . Currently I am pretty busy but that where I am the most active :)

Glad my feedback was helpful! I didn't know saves could be bugged sometimes. The more you learn, I guess. Goodluck on your future projects!