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I really love your work, all the characters are a pleasure, the world is beautiful and lovely to learn more about, the decisions and choices are both natural and important with great changes.

I like the Crown, their personality, decisions, ability, I'm not sure if it's because of the character traits I chose or their basic quality but I still really enjoyed them. All the romance paths are a delight and full of emotions I didn't know I could feel.


I hope though that each Love Interests matters while personal will be somehow touched upon in the future even if it's not in their respective paths. I would feel too saddened for some like R who might never learn truth or A and D who's pasts are sensitive and connected. Or X never finding peace with himself. Their matters seem too important both to themselves and those around to just be ignored. I hope they will be able to overcome their issues either with Crowns help (if the friendship is strong enough) or by themselves.

By the way my favourite scene is probably the artists performance from pleasure houses. I loved the story and visual descriptions in my head. 

I thank you very much for writing such great story and hope you'll do well in the future.