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This message is from my brother copied and pasted intended for Anukendev:       

"This message is intended for the developer(s)/creator(s) of the Mindustry game for mobile/tablet devices, and specifically  for those responsible for helping in making the game available to us prisoners within the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) - I understand we were playing a custom release.

   First and foremost, I would like to wholeheartedly thank you for, and applaud your efforts in, making the game in the first place; I only got to play the game for a couple of weeks, but in that short time it became not only the thing that has created the most joy for me since first becoming incarcerated some 13 years ago, but quite possibly the best video game I can remember playing since at least my middle teens (several decades ago).  The blending of elements such as on-the-fly tactical decisions with strategic engineering--all while allowing for and rewarding longer-term, calculated optimization--really spoke to my inner OCD nerd in a way few things ever have.

   Alas, I speak about your great game in the past tense because, as you probably know, some bureaucrat in Washington has decided that us FBOP inmates are no longer allowed to play your game.  I do not know why (though rumors abound).  We were simply told that it was "defective," which is obviously inaccurate and possibly indicative that some inmate somewhere was doing something bad with the game that you weren't supposed to be able to do--or at least that some bureaucrat thought that such a thing was possible.

   As it stands, I still have over a decade of my imposed sentence left to complete, and as a matter of mental health, I'd sure like to do whatever I can to try to get that game back for as much of said remaining sentence as possible--or at least a version of the game that the suits in Washington are comfortable with.  I have plenty of time and gumption to dedicate to that goal, as well as a little bit of help with "outside" communication--and I'm willing to write whomever else may be able to help.  Unfortunately, it's practically impossible for me to get relevant information, at least in a timely fashion.

   Hence, the ultimate goal behind this message.  Given your role as creator of the game, your experience in already having brought the game to our availability once, and your perspective outside of this very opaque fishbowl I'm swimming in, I'm hoping that you may be able to help provide some answers to these questions:

1. Do you know *why* the game was removed from our "Media store" in the first place? (though I'm not interested in knowing specifics of possible abuses of the game--I simply feel knowing this information generally would better help me direct appropriate requests and possible solutions for getting the game back to the right people);

2. Are you aware of any efforts currently under way to offer the game (further modified or not) anew within the FBOP? and, if not;

3. Is there anything that can be done to encourage your efforts in navigating whatever obstacles stand in the way of offering the Mindustry game--further modified or not--again within FBOP's Media store?  (I assure you that I'm not the only one hoping for this, and that, if it were a factor, you could easily monetize the game--or increase whatever monetization you may have already been receiving, if any).

Thank you so much for your time, and for all your previous efforts.  Any response at all from you will be super appreciated.

Eagerly awaiting,

M. Biggs"

(1 edit)

I also know several in federal prison who were immensely enjoying this game. They too has the same questions as you and want the game to be brought back. 

i love the complements. even though i am not a creator of the game, i also love the game, i would pay $13247777776825723473742538583945789207348 for it, but i don't have that much money