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You got that right! I've been making comics and sometimes these visual novel interactives for about two years now and I can't tell how many times I completely changed the plan while making it happen. I'm also thinking of re-releasing my comics in Renpy/visual novel format (not interactive) just to try and remake some income, cuz the comic has been stolen from my page almost entirely by pirates and reposted so they can get clicks and money from it (and share spam bots that steal data from users). Already tried to use the law to see justice, and all I got was that they said it's 'not for them to remove my comics'.  We basically work so that pirates can make money and not work, and the law protects them. What a joke.

I think that there will only be more pirates from the re-release. From my point of view, a visual novel is easier to steal than a comic
(Just my opinion)