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Thinking about the website/app, indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Strongly Disagree


Slightly Disagree


Slightly Agree


Strongly Agree

Not  Applicable

I will visit this website often









I think this website is easy to use and efficient









Can I quickly learn how to use this site









I think this website is easy to use and efficient









I can get key information very quickly









The content of the homepage successfully attracted me









I do think the interaction on the site is clear









I think there are too many inconsistencies on this site.









  • Do you think the storybook is well designed with intuitive user interaction and navigation?
  • How do you rate the understanding of UX concepts shown in this video?
  • What do you think of the picture, text and plot of this story book? Whether the design is reasonable.

Yes, the storybook is well designed with intuitive user interaction and navigation.  The layout is visually appealing and easy to understand, making it suitable for children to navigate through the storybook.


The understanding of UX concepts shown in this video is excellent.  The creators have clearly considered the target audience and designed the storybook with their needs and preferences in mind.  The use of interactive elements and clear navigation shows a good understanding of user experience.


The picture, text, and plot of this storybook are all well done.  The illustrations are colorful and engaging, capturing the attention of young readers.  The text is clear and easy to read, making it accessible to children of different reading levels.  The plot is interesting and engaging, keeping children entertained throughout the story.  Overall, the design of this storybook is reasonable and well thought out.


Thank you for your comment.