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just some curiosity, but what’s this?

A devlog, it just goes over some thoughts regarding the update.

OH, betrayed me, hahaha! When I wrote the comment that link was to like, what described as an updating of the files 7h before even though the files still said 5.0 and there was no devlog, so I was confused about that (note how the comment predates the devlog’s release, I swear I’m not insane :P )

Thanks for and congrats on the new update, by the way!

Oooh I didn't know it updated people when I add the files, even if I hide them...very good knowledge. Thank you!

Hey, so my pc detected that the round 6 update was a Trojan virus called "wacatac." Not to sound accusatory, but what's up with that???

That's strange, not sure why anything would be flagged. Lots of other people have been downloading and playing without issue, so I can assure you there's nothing wrong with it.

Oh alright then. Thanks for responding. 👍