Dear Kate, I made a translation of Complex34 into Hungarian. With a little addition, a single d6 rolling system and a character speciality. It was a blast running through it, 3-4 days, adapted all the word play you put in there, sometimes reinventing it for smoothness :-) If you are interested I can link you the variation I did for the looks of it, don't want to spam here. Cheers and thanks, Balázs
:-} Lovely, glad to share it.
I have a site to gather all my writings, it is placed there:
Direct link to a single-column PDF:
With a two-column layout:
Cheers and thanks for the great and round work you did with the setting!
In the meantime Complex34 is also mentioned on the oldest Hungarian RPG portal :-) Szerepjáték fordítások: Complex34 + Lézerek és Érzések - LFG.HU - Magyar Szerepjátékosok Oldala