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(1 edit) (+1)

The mouse is not displayed in the menu. The UV map texture of the floor is very different from the walls. I feel like I'm playing as a mouse. However, the odd proportions can be taken as part of the horror. In the game, you have to run around and collect health kits until the timer runs out. There are a lot of medical kits, so it is almost impossible to lose. The voice sounds pretty good. I ended up hiding in the bathroom. There were no voices in there. Well... This is the only game in this jam that ends on a timer.

(1 edit) (+1)

yes I had to fix the main menu mouse which I couldn’t because of the time. The textures were all slapped on last minute off of quixel so they can be ugly haha. I realised I shouldve added some controls and game loop on the main menu to make it clearer for the players. And lastly, I know the game needs a lot of fine tuning to make it playable and fun! I might work on this project further and finetune it to a more playable game.

 I really appreciate you to check it out and comment on it :)

This helps me improve my work in the future!