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Hey ! No need to stress about the length of the explanations they’re actually just what I was hoping for. You’re making my day.

About the firs protag, I should mention that with the set of animations I have for this character (thanks to oCo, by the way), it’s a bit tricky to incorporate magic use without it feeling out of place.

Actually we pretty much had the same ideas about the spell mechanics, and I already made a good part of what you proposed. At the moment the new character has a 3 step attack combo like the previous protagonist, crouch attack and jump attack and a dash. She also has “Special Attack” which is assigned to a button, and then two types of magic attack. One with a fast incantation which target the closest enemy if in range, or a charging spell with multi-hits kinda like a flamethrower.

My plan was also to include elementary spells in the game, with like Earth and Air as a defensive/crowd control style and Fire/Lightning offensive style ( didn’t find too much cool water spells ). And if I found a way to make some particular spells like familiar summon ( first protagonist could maybe make an cameo, who knows ? :) ), I think I would let the player assign them to the special attack.

Regarding the implementation, it’s true that those ideas are quite ambitious but the fact is that I’m having a lot of fun doing it so I’ll give it a shot haha.

By the way, a big thanks once again for all your help and suggestions, I’ll make sure to add you in the credits section haha. If any other ideas come up or you’d like to chat in the future, don’t hesitate to add me on Discord at “indie_tomo” – it might be a better place for a chat, haha ( you can ignore this of course if you don’t feel like it ).