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Three small errors towards the end of chapter 2 part 1:

  • The name of Constantine's horse shifts from Allegiance to Justice.
  • If you sit next to Felix in the carriage and tell him 'You're fine', then 'Thank the Gods that you've shut up', that will lead to 'Error: the passage "endpart1" does not exist'.
  • If instead you pat the seat next to you to get F to sit there, Felix will smirk at his '$fisibling'.

Sorry about those and thanks for flagging. I will try to update this soon. I appreciate the time you took to share them with me.

(1 edit)

Hey no problem, just trying to help out. Thank you for writing this IF, I can't wait to find out what happens next!

Edit: Oh dear, I just read your reply to the comment above about why you are taking a break. I'm so sorry, I did not mean to imply any form of pressure for you to resume writing.