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I enjoyed my time with this game. The pixel art is top notch, and the whole presentation hits those cozy vibes just right. And it is always fun to see some numbers go up.

 I'm a little disappointed that there was seemingly nothing to do after getting all of the upgrades. In particular, I got most of the multiplication back to back at the end, then suddenly had no purpose for the tiny army I just acquired. I found myself wishing that maybe the man behind the stall needed some cash, or that there was some other milestone to achieve now that I had the full range of upgrades. It felt bad unlocking all of my potential and then having nothing to put it towards. 

Navigation also felt iffy. There's no good way to know what sized pumpkins are where, and there's no real way to orient yourself in the space. I wouldn't say I got hopelessly lost, especially given the scope of this game. But I found myself wishing I had more information so I could make informed decisions on where to go while I was waiting on pumpkins to process. 

Overall, solid jam entry that accomplishes everything it needed to. Congrats to the team on a job well done.