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I will say this the girls look good and the guy looks terrible and the mechanics of some stuff is bad like fishing and the Quest board It's kinda messed up and you gotta have so many stupid stuff but hentai is good But I came back on here for a very long time to see there's any updates or anything and when I came on here and there's nothing I read a comment it's been two years and that's only been 33% done and and delayed multiple multiple times it's good in a way because enjoy other sex it's just make the game already or say you gave up say something people do not follow people who give false dreams of what you promised them so they're not going to pay you if You don't give them what they want

It's sad, but in some aspects you're right. I've known the game for over a year or two, but the plot has moved very little.  And what appeared was mini-games and so on – which was not what I expected. No hate, I really like the game. But I would be offended if I were a patron and instead of new plot elements I'd got “more convenient fishing.” 

I will continue to hope for updates, but no one knows whether we will see the end of the plot...