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Thank you very much for taking the time to  play through the end  and for your kind words.

I'm very glad you enjoy it! I definitely took free inspiration from the NES/Gameboy Zeldas. I'm also happy you enjoyed the dialogues and the narrative style. As for the movements, you're totally right. Letting the character slide against the walls while moving diagonally would make the controls feel nicer and would solve the problem about passing through a one-tile wide opening hard. As this is my second game (the first one is not complete yet and is a totally different genre) and I'm very beginner in game making while also not using any tutorial (I like learning the hard way) I didn't figure out yet how to do it properly, but it's certainly an actionable improvement point for this and any subsequent game! In this one my best tool has been to avoid as much as possible to use one tile-wide openings.

Thank you very much for your detailed feedback and I'm truly humbled by your nice review!