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(1 edit)

Im currently at version 0.17.7 alpha is it ok for me to update? Also how the I unlock the mommies from the school, the black bunny with a mask, and the soldier girl

I don't know what you mean for the first one,do you mean Madison?And the second is Lunar,you can find her in the nexus crystal,in the tunnel,you can follow the tips.The soldier girl might be Molly,you can find her in the nexus crystal too.I remember she was in the world where Roxy were.

The first one I'm talking about the three mother of the students

Well as I remember is you just need to work on to upgrading the license of academy or something because they are the one who going to stop you from upgrading the license or something further to max and it's your task to take care of them  but they are not pregnantable just a side girl