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(1 edit)

Yeah, as we finally get to new features and get excited, I find myself more and more frustrated lol.  Still loving the game concept tho...scratching that itch for sure, and just hoping for more balance and explanations of mechanics over time.

I've only succeeded on 2/20 attempts on ritual too in order to figure out wtf it all does... so yeah, about 40% success.  =P


Finally got first potion to succeed and unlock the rest of the feature.  Makes a little more sense now, but having that all hidden behind RNG is pretty blegh.

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It feels like a feature that very much at least needs bad luck mitigation on failing rituals, i've failed so many 30% chances in a row. Though it was satisfying when i finally found a second potion

Agree fully.  I got the 2nd potion which was a big boost, but nothing since and gone through at least 100 ingredients lol even after increasing success quite a bit.

I found something that does indeed give back luck mitigation. but it requires a specific upgrade, specific resource you may not have access to, and it's a bit further in.  Nice to know that mechanic exists though.