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Oh, I'm so sorry that's happening!! D: I only have Windows setup, so I'm not sure how well I can help with a Mac setup - but if you could, could you possibly tell me what sort of error you get, or crash? Does it say it can't read the game file, or does the game window immediately close on itself? I'd love to try and help!

This is what pops up whenever I try opening the game. I don't get to the menu part either. I try to open it, wait for the game to start, and then this pops up. Love the art from your socials and I saw a lot of good comments below so I hope there's a way I can play this game haha (maybe I missed something? Sorry if that's the case)

Btw, before this, I had to make the nwjs in the MacOS folder a terminal file because it kept saying, "This application can't be opened." Managed to fix it with the help of the internet but yeah, this happened after.