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Best. Visual Novel. Ever.

Honestly this is a piece of art. I came for the girls, I stayed for the story.

Story (9/10) Only reason I'm giving this a 9/10 is the genre, I ended up skipping several of the erotic scenes because I wanted to get back to the story. It's better then any series, anime or movie I have seen in recent days, constantly kept me engaged and wondering what would happen next.

Erotic scenes (8/10) All of them were rather enticing, although a lot of them also felt mild. Can be easily solved by the time the story is finished, guess I simply wished a little more from my favorite girls. (The blue balling at the end of Nancy's first scene was gold btw)

Humor (9/10) Honestly the humor in this is one of it's selling points, perfect pacing, made me laugh out loud on so many occasions. Chang is the true MVP when it comes to humor, haven't had a scene with him in it where I didn't end up laughing.

Sound (8/10) Great use of music to create atmosphere. Only downside might be the music occasionally betraying when the next sex scene comes up, but even that has been used to subvert expectations. The stops for comedic value were implemented perfectly as well.


An amazing visual novel to enjoy and you even get erotic scenes with the characters. Keeps you engaged with the story, great humor and I would (as the game does) recommend you to play it with sound.


Amazing story that keeps you wanting more

Great sex scenes, very emotional and intimate

Good humor, with great timing. No over exerting on it tho.


Story too good, makes you skip sex scenes

Nova needs a proper sex scene

Not enough screen time for Chop Chop

Honestly, again, a piece of art, best of it's kind. I'm a supporter now because I will die if I don't get to see the end of this story.

Thanks for making this.


Thank you for your review! Glad you liked it!