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(1 edit)

You get alot of well deserved praise, The setting is stellar, costumes/outfits are always hot and feel well chosen, Models while imperfect(I'll get into that) all do their job and look 10/10 in the perfect angles and still great in the less flattering ones.

The sex scenes(Especially the last one in 0.6) are incredibly well done writing wise and the animation is extremely serviceable for an indie CGI work.

The characters all do their job, either being likable, despisable, scary as shit or enigmatic, the mysteries never have me eye rolling, even when I knew reveals ahead of time, Using foreshadowing strong enough for us to understand but with context that explains why the MC would take awhile to figure them out was very smart and well done.

The girls are all super so lovable, and Alex has risen to the top of my list as of 0.6 & i'm sure is the case for others, beating out Annie & Luna in my case.

You only keep getting better, Now that i've used alot of your time with praise, I wanna shoot some slight critiques in hopes of making the game a bit better.

You got the poses & angles down, The animation will never be perfect so i'll skip that, but the models don't need that texture on their elbows and knees, it's in contrast to the rest of their young skin and the shape is already good, I doubt you need it, i'd feel it'd be better with it gone and just detracts from their visual appeal.

Further more the situations are all great, and im not saying this because I want the MC to be more escapist, he's great as is, likable & somewhat independent as a story telling tool but still relatable to be escapist, very well done, but I feel the dialogue can sometimes have strange prose, Maybe read some books? I don't mean that sarcastically either, like I said, situations, pacing etc are all great but once in awhile the word choice is strange/feels chosen out of a random box then things these people say.
Typically when people speak, they use the same preset sayings/words, it's consistent with "them" what they say. I'd try writing down their favorite sayings, how they moan specifically during X, favorite swears for anger vs banter etc. It'll just add to the already great foundation you have for them.

In my case instead of choosing from "shit,Fuck,Cunt,Dick etc." each person will have one they gravitate towards, when mad enough, some might haphazardly combine them together in anger as if throwing paint at a wall with their hands, some might prefer the word Cock vs Dick and visa versa, some might even call it penis(annie at first probably would.) but it typically doesn't wishwash once they've been in a situation enough, they choose what they say or how they like to convey something and consistently do so through those means unless given a reason not to, we're creatures of repitition but also adaption is what im saying, in dialogue it's the most noticable.

You don't do a bad job in that regard, just not always good either, and I think you could rise up cause I feel the love, You nail this in the comedy most of the time actually if not more so with their actions then dialogue so I have confidence.

Otherwise I feel improvement in everything, including the environments and outfits which were already massive draws for me, so I have no doubt you'll just keep getting better and using better resources/individuals.

Lastly, the girl's modesty doesn't seem too realistic at first, as it goes it would make sense they wanna attract the MC and the outfits are issued to the ones who would look best/be most likely to accept but it'd be hotter if they gradually wore skimpier clothes, Like how in the beggining og 0.6 Dalia chose the outfit she did however it would be awesome if the girls that're more attracted to you/outgoing & slutty chose sexier outfits, seing annie slowly become more revealing would be alot of fun, but that'd be something for a 3rd property if you ever wanted to add that as all the girls are already 4 <3 or more I believe and going back and doing over already great outfits just cause they don't perfectly fit the context or redoing the dialogue sounds like a nightmare. 

Sorry for taking up so much space here, love the game, you're doing great and I look forward to every update and every game you will make.

Take care & good luck.

Also, I see that the finesse/skill getting better in facial expressions, whether that's you or outside help its appreciated and will never be appropriately appreciated as it's so discreet but never stop, I think you understand as well if not better then me how important it is.


Thank you so much for your feedback!