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I don't believe in aliens, well I mean I do, the universe is literally infinite and ever expanding, it's literally impossible for there not to be life somewhere out there, what I don't believe is that aliens would come to this doomed nearly un-inhabitable pile of rock and go "great place to inhabit" and if we're being realistic, there's a really high chance that aliens will look NOTHING as they are depicted on tv and in media, let alone exactly like a certain alien seen in media, COUGH COUGH- like wtf is that, it looks like it's about to say "E.T. phone home" but moving on, not what this is about.

I'm here to talk about the weird ass helicopter I saw that I will admit, was very... suspicious, but that doesn't change my mind.

I was in the car with my sisters, my dad was driving, we were on a straight road with no turns, and we were looking out the window and we saw a helicopter, this was at night and it was pretty high off the ground so most of what we could see was just the lights, we couldn't see the helicopter itself, so we just saw helicopter lights, and not far from where we saw it, we saw a second one, same stretch of road, on the other side of the street than the first one, seemed normal enough, just a few helicopters, but everything changed when the fire nation atta- I mean, that second helicopter... just stopped.

I don't mean stopped as in it stopped going forward, I mean it was completely still. Then it suddenly flew all the way across the street to the other side in near lightning speed, so fast if you blinked you'd miss it, it practically teleported there, and it just stopped again. Just... floating there. Motionless. Eventually we drove too far away to see it anymore but... I have no explanation for whatever that was. All I can think is that... it wasn't a helicopter at all, but something else.

It's not like we heard helicopter noises or even saw the silhouette, it was dark and way too high in the sky for us to see anything but the lights, like I said, we only said it was a helicopter cause it's all that made sense... but helicopters don't do that. They don't travel so fast you can barely see it, and they don't just... stop, at least not in the way whatever I saw stopped, it was too still, too... uncomfortable. And my sisters saw it too which doesn't help.

I still refuse to say aliens, though! It could still have been something else. Like mass hysteria or something. A U.F.O. (Unidentified Flying Object) doesn't always have to mean aliens.