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  • Employees finding you resulted in time loss instead of game loss. I think this forgiving mechanic allowed me to give it more of a shot during the jam compared to other games that would result in an immediate loss.
  • Theme use was very clean and understandable.
  • Explanation of rules at start was very helpful. Well done!


  • Character floating after control input. I felt like I was out of control, and this would result in the employees finding me more than I deserved.
  • Sound effects seemed louder than the background music more than I would have liked. Maybe balance these out in future release?
  • Unsure about how I feel with the toys floating around me. On the one hand, I think this is clever since it makes you more likely to be found. On the other hand, this seemed to make the character float worse and contributed to me feeling more like I was out of control. Something to consider, but not a show-stopper.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write all this feedback! We adjusted the player controller so it is less floaty now and should be easier to control. We made it difficult by design to simulate the control of a trolley in real life but the feedback is clear that it's a little too uncontrollable!