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(2 edits) (+1)

I haven't finished the game, but I have 2 things to say about the game:
1. I absolutely adore this game! The graphics are silly and cute, the music is pretty neat, not to mention how fun it to just shoot down tengu (in non-violent way) as Tanktori... That said
2. The only problem I have with this game is the controls... Specifically, the movement. It was an awful idea to make movement dependent on Nitori's rotation. When you press W, you'd expect your character to move upward relative to the screen, rather than forward relative to the character. The way it works now would make sense in a first person shooter game, but this is a top-down shooter. Rotation of the character constantly changes depending on mouse position, which makes movement rather awkward.

Other than that, I can admire the work put into this game, the final project ended up pretty damn good! (Except, again, controls) Looking forward to see other projects from you!


Tanks for playing! :D

aye, seems controls are the common feedback here, more people struggle with it than expected. Certainly won't be using this kinda controls again huhu. Personally, the W/S movements made sense to me, (it was originally from the Unity Tanks! game haha) and the A/D controls was originally the aim/turn controls, which i repurposed to a sidewalk (which yeah, i'd think this is the more confusing part even for players who get used to the W/S movement)

in the unlikely event where this ever gets a sequel, i'll probably make the controls to be more like Boom Beach Frontlines, which works exactly as you suggested, a separate movement control and an aim and shoot control. (sadly, that game was shut down)

Still, i very much appreciate the feedback, thank you! :D 

(1 edit) (+1)

Update: New control system added in v2.0 and its default, try giving it a go ~

progress should remain, but i guess get used to it via tutorial first hm.

(unfortunately it doesnt work as well as a joystick hm)


I've now completed the rest of the game with new controls and I must say, the game is really fun!

I did find out that you have basically no cooldown, so you can just spam bullets, which trivialized some levels, but there's still been enough challenge to keep myself playing.

My personal favorite level must be Tower Offence, it requires a lot of strategy AND skill to beat it. The final boss was pretty silly and fun to battle, even if it wasn't a particularly difficult fight.

Good job on bringing such a great experience to the world!


Tanks for playing huhu ~

yea the final boss, once you know the patterns, its easy to dodge and spam bullets. I made sure health was high enough so the fight wouldnt finish too quickly, but not feel too long and repetitive.

Tower Offense was also one of my favourites, always wanted to play those reverse tower defenses haha ~ 

Thank you, i hope i can do better with future projects ~ all the best to you too! :D