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Will there be any bugfixes? The village map was my favourite map but the lighting is off and the skybox is just black for some reason and I'm not the only one that that is happening to. But great game, I honestly love the concept of horror and vore I think it mixes better than loads of other vore games and I even find it fun to play as an actual horror game! I've literally jumped in fear as I've seen fen cross a corner and start chasing me, it's just so great and would be even better with VR support imo but is definitely not necessary even though it would make this beyond terrifying and just great all around. Good job on this game and thank you for making such a niche thing like vore have a great game because you are sacrificing quite a lot by making it vore related and will make it very underrated as most people aren't into it, but I appreciate the work you put into this so thank you.

That village map has had really screwed up rendering for ages. I’ll probably be rebuilding it.

VR would be a stretch, but it’s not unattainable. I have some experience with it, so I’ll probably give it a try at some point.

And thanks (:

Deleted 249 days ago