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I have 100+ hrs and still haven't done any of the bad endings. I just can't. The world would be a better place with more VNs like this. Everyone feels so damn genuine. I wish each route was 100+ long lmao The side characters have heart. June is a sweetie pie, Biglady could use me anyway she wants just sayin, Onion is the know-it-all-jerk you love. Sal is Dad joke central and has a heart of gold. Two is my bestest lil bro. Even a certain uh someone you meet later is a joy.

XYX: DEAR GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! I'm not into instant attractions and the whole love at first sight type of stuff but HE HAD ME from the get go. Like take my wallet, blood and first-born Idc! His personality encapsulates my type so hard it's legit scary. Create him irl rn and clone him indefinitely so we don't have to go to war over him. Everyone gets an Xyx!

Quest: Oddly his route is the one I've played the most and I find him so weirdly sexy lol He's a big muscular nerd which is dangerous Henry Cavil demigod type of sh*t. I'm a sucker for it and his bonus... *tingles uncontrollably* His conflict was the one that held the most weight for me. It's also the route where the mc has their own personal issue to deal with as well. I loved it and adored how the others in the group teased you both. Wish there was more of that.

NightOwl: Oh he's delicious. He'd be much younger than me irl and it satisfies my inner I'm-at-milf-age. I enjoyed his conflict but it did make me uncomfortable (as it should) but not in a bad way. I loved watching him grow in the short time you have with him. Unearthing his flaws was a joy because that's what made him feel real beyond his flirtatious vibe. His bonus left me feeling uncontrollably lonely. Like I need that irl.

Toaster: I love Final Fantasy so I felt very "I have found my people" with him. He's not my usual type and can be a bit cold at first but boy oh boy do I enjoy diving deep when it comes to a person's personality and his is quite sweet. He's a good guy, loyal to those he cares for and very much unapologetically true to himself. And his hair is gorg. HIS BLUSHES SUSTAIN ME! His bonus was so so sweet. 

I've left another comment about my love for this VN before but the I-must-gush-over-this flood gates opened once more.